
AUM Women

AUM-Women meeting every 2nd Wednesday of each month.

AUM-Women have crafts every 3rd Wednesday of each month.

The United Methodist Women

     The United Methodist Women’s group was originally called The Women’s Society of Christian Service until 1968 when the church became The United Methodist Church.

The purpose of the UMW is:

     The UMW meets on the second Wednesday of each month. There are two money making projects of the UMW. In May we often have a yard sale where the community donates items to sell. The big event is the bazaar which is held on the second Saturday of November. There are Christmas items for sale, as well as baked goods and fresh pecans. This is a time for friends and neighbors to meet and do some Christmas shopping.

Proceeds from the bazaar are donated to: the Rappahannock Food Pantry, the Culpeper Food closet, Amissville Fire and Rescue, Hospice of the Piedmont, Hunters for the Hungry, the Society of St. Andrew, the Culpeper Heat Shelter, UMCOR and the Amissville Community Foundation.

     The UMW started Joseph’s Closet to assist those who are in need with items that they cannot get with their SNAP benefits. One of the big projects is to make sure that anyone who needs it can get a warm winter coat. Joseph’s Closet provides toiletry items, cleaning items as well as clothes to those who have a need. Joseph’s Closet is funded by the UMW and by donations from individuals.

     Another UMW project is to provide a food box for each angel tree family. This box provides everything the family will need to have a good Christmas dinner. Items such as a turkey, potatoes, milk, eggs, stuffing, eggs, vegetables, and sides are included.

The UMW wants to take care of the needy in our community especially women and children by providing them with things to help them make their lives better.

All women are invited to join the UMW as we strive to serve God by making our church and community better.